Finished 'The Brilliant World Of Tom Gates' by Liz Pichon. Funny, probably better than Wimpy Kid. Will be looking for the sequels. I can see why they were so popular in class
Finished 'Gone' by Michael Grant. Loved this, absolutely brilliant. The next two are already lined up by my bed to read.
Started 'Run Zan Run' by Cathy Macphail. A fast paced and gripping (so far) story about a young girl who is bullied at school. Whilst walking home, she meets a girl called Zan who helps her out with her problems. Without giving too much away, it seems as if Zan has enough issues of her own to deal with.
Please share anything exciting that you are reading- or if you've picked up a book and found it to be a real disappointment, let everyone know! With the Olympics coming up, I would be really interested in hearing if anyone has read any great books about sport. I really enjoy the books by Tom Palmer- Foul Play, Dead Ball, Off Side, Killer Pass and Own Goal. Football, kidnapped players, murdered managers...and a fourteen year old detective!