Thursday, 4 July 2013

Norfolk Children's Book Festival by Reece

Yesterday, 12 children and two teachers went on a trip to the Norfolk Children's Book Festival (3rd July 2013) at Norwich School. All of the children got on a coach to the festival and when they got there, they all received a bag of little things (eg, pencil, sharpener, book-mark, notepad, water bottle and leaflets). The kids who went were Reece, Ethan, Alec, Alisha, Caylan, Olivia, Caitlin, Haiden, Sharice, Jessica, Shania and Abbie.

The fiirst author that came on stage was Helen Dennis and she wrote a set of books about a group of kids who had to solve and crack mysterious codes. She spoke about this code that has never been cracked and still hasn't and the code is called MS408. It all took place about 500 years ago when a man was on holiday in Italy and he wanted to find something to bring back to his family. His name was Wilfred Voynich.

Helen Dennis

The next author was called Craig Simpson and he writes really awesome books called Special Ops. There are three books written so far but he hopes to write six. They are all to do with World War 1. They explain how spies and other undercover agents all worked together as a big part of our victory plotting escape plots and plenty of other things.

After him it, was a great author called Tim Bowler. He talked about how he come up with ideas for his books. He was great at telling us good tips about improving our writing. The final author was called Kjartan Poskitt. He was just crazy and really entertaining. The festival was brilliant and I can't wait to go again next year.

The festival was reported in the local paper here.

Tim Bowler

The Thornthwaite Inheritance by Gareth P Jones- video trailer

We are learning how to make video trailers to promote books that we love and to give other children some ideas about what they can read for the Summer Reading Challenge. Unfortunately we can't fit the whole video onto this site, but you can find it here.

Norfolk Children's Book Festival by Alisha

On Wednesday some children from West Earlham Junior School went to a book festival  in the city. It was really fun. There were lots of children and authors.

On of them was Helen Denis, she was talking about her book Secret Breakers. She also showed us how to crack codes.

Also there was Craig Simpson who revealed some secrets about his past. Secret number one is that he once got beaten up by some French guards. Secret number two is that his car was sat on by a horse and cost £1000 to repair it.

Then it was break time. Some people stayed in and listened to a famous poet called Molly Naylor. She was very good. After the break the next author came on and it was Tim Bowler. He was quite funny, he talked about tips on writing stories.  It was then lunchtime and we all had an ice-cream.

The next author we met was Kjartan Poskitt. Hee is the author of the Agatha Parrot books. He talked to us about magic tricks and about why he decided to write books about maths.

Kjartan Poskitt

Overall we had a brilliant day and learned about lots of new authors.

Demon Hunter- iHorror

Demon Hunter is a very good book because you can pick your choices about what is going to happen next and it's like you are controling the hunter. Also, you get to pick what weapons you want to use to take down the demons. But if you pick the wrong choices then it will tell you to go back to page 1 and start again. You need to be a pro to take down the demons and succeed the mission. People should read this book because its very spooky and interesting. Once you've started to read this book, you can't stop reading it. Beware of the demons!
